Paul Saunders Marketing

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Website Conversion

Getting someone to click on your website is good; getting the right people to click on your website is crucial; getting the right people to act in response to your website can be the difference between business success or failure. 

In summary, it's not just about improving your website traffic; it's the ability of your website to convert viewers into customers. How is that achieved? 

Website Content

The website should concisely and accurately promote what you do, with compelling reasons for the quality of your products or services. 

It will help if you have a clear strategy and process to achieve this, leading to the desired outcome of a sale or enquiry. Think about how different ways people enter the website, which could be through a blog or page that isn't the homepage and then how they move through the website logically. The secret is not to lose them in this process and make an order or enquiry easy.  

Essential Information

Frequently Asked Question sections also help enormously; reviews help reassure potential customers, both in their presence on the site and the words used by previous customers. 

Using Analytics

Within Google or Squarespace's Analytics, you can identify the website's bounce rate, that is, people who quickly leave the website without spending much time or viewing additional pages. Although it varies on the site and content, a reasonable bounce rate is less than 40%. Therefore, it will help Google rankings if the search engine refers people to your site and the viewer then spends time on it. 


In summary, here are the actions:

  1. Have a clear and compelling proposition.

  2. Have a strategy for converting visitors to your site into enquiries or sales.

  3. Make it easy and logical to find relevant information.

  4. Review the website journey as if you are a customer to ensure it is achieving the aims

  5. Monitor traffic, bounce rates, page rankings and conversion rates.


Based in Loch Lomond, Paul Saunders Marketing works with clients throughout Scotland, providing marketing consultancy and creative digital media for businesses, charities and organisations of all sizes.

Services include marketing, commercial photography, brand design, website design, video production and social media, events & PR. Call Paul on 01360 661029 or get in touch via the contact page to find out more.

I hope you have found this blog helpful. If you would like any advice about website conversion, please get in touch.